Getting more bang for your buck is necessary in this economic environment, and summer is the perfect time to utilize the additional incentives provided through the Fresh Access Bucks (FAB) program. It makes eating healthy more affordable!
This initiative from Feeding Florida® is funded by the USDA and encourages SNAP recipients to redeem benefits at participating farmers markets, produce stands, mobile markets and more. When you purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at these participating locations, you then receive additional incentives to increase your SNAP purchasing power.
For example, if you are shopping at a local farmers market and spend $10 on fruits and veggies with your SNAP/EBT card, you get an extra $10. This will allow you to stock up on those summertime favorites that are in season like peppers, zucchini, eggplant, okra, avocado, star fruit, guava, mango, and watermelon.
To become more familiar with all the available incentives options